Sunday, January 8, 2012

Onwards and Upwards - 35K+ on book number 2

Just wrote a killer scene today. Thanks Adele for writing Rumour Has It. Kept up my pace. It's hard to believe I'm a third of the way through the second book.

I'm keeping a playlist on my iphone for every time I run across a song that gets me thinking about a scene or one of my characters, or one that sets a good pace for writing. It will be interesting to see what all ends up on the playlist at the end. I did the same thing with the first one, I just didn't keep a list. I know better this time.

It's hard to believe it's only been 7 weeks since I submitted my manuscript to the first publisher. It feels like forever. Most of the "deadlines" are well into February, but would it kill them to give me an update?

I've been searching for an excerpt to post from my first book but, as of yet I haven't been able to find one that doesn't reveal the genre or major plot events. My mom asked me if it was a mystery, a drama, a love story, a thriller, etc. My answer was yes. Does that give anyone a clue? :)

There have been some interesting developments in other parts of my life... can't really reveal anything yet, but stay tuned (no I'm not pregnant). Until next time.

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